L-R George Barnum, Government Publishing Office Agency Historian, Nina Schneider, APHA President, Lisa Unger Baskin. (Casey Smith)
At 2 pm, Saturday, January 28, The American Printing History Association’s Annual Meeting took place in the Trustees’ Room at the New York Public Library. Among the highlights was the presentation of the 2017 APHA Awards and the Mark Samuels Lasner Fellowship. The individual award was conferred to Lisa Unger Baskin and the institutional award was conferred to the U.S Government Publishing Office and accepted by George Barnum. The Mark Samuels Lasner Fellowship was awarded to Amanda Stuckey.
The American Printing History Association (APHA) and the Center for Historic American Visual Culture (CHAViC) at the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) welcome proposals for their joint conference
APHA and CHAViC invite proposals that explore the production, distribution, reception, and survival of printed words and images in America to 1900. In an era in which the process of design had not been separated from production, the purpose of the conference is to explore the inter-relation between composition, design, and printing processes. PDF[Read more]
The American Printing History Association’s Annual Meeting will take place 2 pm, Saturday, January 28 in the Trustees’ Room at the New York Public Library. Among the highlights will be the presentation of the 2017 APHA Awards and the Mark Samuels Lasner Fellowship. The individual award will be conferred to Lisa Unger Baskin and the institutional award will be conferred to the U.S Government Publishing Office. The Mark Samuels Lasner Fellow will be Amanda Stuckey. Committee statements regarding the winners will be posted after the meeting. APHA encourage all members to attend. The meeting is free and open to the public.
Mark Samuels Lasner and his collection in the Morris Library. (Evan Krape/University of Delaware)
APHA’s own Mark Samuels Lasner, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Delaware Library and a collector of Victorian books, manuscripts, and artworks, recently donated his collection to the University of Delaware Library. To honor this gift, the library is putting on an exhibition “Victorian Passions: Stories from the Mark Samuels Lasner Collection,” curated by Margaret D. Stetz, on view in the Special Collections Gallery, UD Library, from February 14-June 3, 2017. [Read more]
Much has been written about this founding father of the United States. His contributions as a diplomat, statesman, civic activist, scientist, and inventor are well known. Readers of this website will be quick to add that he was also an author, printer, editor and publisher. To the last appellation, I wish to direct attention to an article that was overlooked when first posted: Penn Connections: Provost William Smith’s Sermon on “the Death of a Beloved Pupil,” Printed by Ben Franklin in 1754.
I am researching a book, and one of the people in it closed out his career in the 1980s at Steenland Lithography, apparently in the metro Philadelphia area. He was Steenland’s “director of research,” so I assume it was a company of some size. But I have been unable to find any references to it, its business, its fate. I’m seeking guidance to someone who might know about the industry in that area in that period or who might know the Steenland name. Any direction you could provide to secondary sources would be terrific, too. Thanks very much, and I look forward to returning the favor.
Matthew Carter delivered APHA’s annual Lieberman Lecture on Saturday, December 3, 2016, at the Museum of Printing in Haverhill, Massachusetts. Over sixty people gathered to hear Carter present a lecture titled “Genuine Imitations, a Type Designer’s View of Revivals.” The lecture was followed by a lively question and answer period and a convivial reception. Attendees enjoyed exploring the new home of the Museum of Printing, which recently relocated to Haverhill from North Andover, Massachusetts. [Read more]
Hi im very interesred in printing. In my younger days i had printing shop in both jr high and high school. I would love to learn more and am very interested in finding a group near me. Any help with locating a group near me would be greatly appreciated. Would love to volunteer and learn. zip code 48044 macomb twp mi. Best regards mark
Volvelle in the second edition of Thurneisser’s Archidoxa, 1575, a work on astrology printed at his private press in Berlin. Enlarged detail, right. (Saxon State Library, Universitätsbibliothk Dresden)
3:15-4:15 pm saturday, october 8
Philip J. Weimerskirch: Leonhard Thurnheisser (1531-1596): Alchemist, Astrologer, Printer, Typefounder, & Papermaker ♥Mary Catharine Johnsen: From Magic to Science with Johannes Müller von Königsberg
Longtime APHA member and frequent presenter, Phil Weimerskirch talked about the life of Leonhard Thurneisser (1531–1596) and the books he wrote and printed. He was an alchemist, astrologer, medical practitioner, printer, typefounder and papermaker, among other things. Much has been published about him, but nearly all of it is in German. There have also been two recent exhibitions about his life and work, one in Basle and one in Berlin. [Read more]