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Printing Protest for Change on Thursday, June 27th, 1-4pm

This year the Smithsonian’s printing history event Print-O-Rama will again promote the theme of Protest for Change and its associations with America’s upcoming 250th anniversary in 2026.

Josef Beery will print copies of the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence using his BookBeetle tabletop press. Dianne Roman, Stan Nelson, and Chris Sweterlitsch will be on hand to rotate demonstrations on another small press and help with other rotating tasks. Several curators will bring out mostly printed collections that speak to the theme of Protest for Change from our Political History, Home & Community Life, Electricity, Medicine & Science, and Graphic Arts Collections.

We welcome you to join us on the 1st Floor West of the National Museum of American History (Coulter Plaza) on Thursday, 27 June, 1:00-4:00pm.

APHA Chesapeake Chapter members at the dedication of the common press to the Library of Congress.

For a dozen or so years, the Chesapeake Chapter has designed and printed a calendar, which we sell to support our chapter events.

You can see the images for our 2024. calendar here. The calendar is now available for $25 with free shipping within the U.S. Click here to order and pay. View previous Chesapeake Chapter calendars. 2024. 2023. 2022. 2021. 2020. 2019. 2017. 2016. We still have a few from 2024 left.


The Chesapeake Chapter of the American Printing History Association is now accepting applications for its Michael Denker Fellowships. 

About the Fellowship

Established in the memory of longtime chapter contributor, wood type collector, letterpress printer, and friend Michael Denker, a year-long fellowship, as a one-time award, provides free membership in the national association and the Chesapeake Chapter, invitations to Chapter events such as studio tours, behind-the-scenes museum visits, workshops, and more, as well as discounted registration for the annual national APHA conference and a subscription to the semiannual journal “Printing History.” The fellowship also provides an opportunity to present a body of work or research at the annual Chapter symposium at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

About APHA

The American Printing History Association promotes the study of the history of printing and related arts and crafts, including calligraphy, typefounding, typography, papermaking, bookbinding, illustration, and publishing. The Chesapeake Chapter draws its membership from printers, artists, curators, historians, and collectors in the DC-Baltimore-Virginia-Delaware area. For more information about APHA, visit the national website at

To Apply

Send a short statement expressing your interest in the history and practice of printing and related arts and what you hope to gain from joining the Chapter’s diverse community. The deadline to apply is November 15th. Send your statement (or any questions) to the Chapter Secretary ( with the subject “Denker Fellowship Application.” 

Applications will be notified in December.

APHA / Chesapeake June meeting
Tour of Prototype Press
Indian Head, Maryland
June 17, 10am – 1pm

Mark Sarigianis of the Prototype Press, Indian Head, Maryland, hosted an APHA studio tour on Saturday, June 17. The Prototype Press is the new name of the Sharp Teeth Press and was operated by Mark Sarigianis and David Johnston(1985-2015) in Oakland, California, before moving to Southern MD.  Printer and type caster Sarigianis works to produce entirely in-house first editions by local authors and artists, as well as a reimagining of better, know authors. Below are a few photos from the day. Afterward, we all gathered at the home of Eric Frazier. The problem was that the conversation was so much fun I forgot to take photos.

If you want to read the story of Misdruk’s talk, Ray Nichols has written it up with photographs  on Lead Graffiti’s website. It is problematic posting long stores with lots of big images on the APHA website.

⬇   Lauren Emeritz of Abstract Orange and Chesapeake Chapter president at the Manhattan Fine Press Book Fair, Saturday, April 29, 2023.

⬇  Jill Cypher of Lead Graffiti’s newest book she first showed at the Manhattan Fine Press Book Fair, Saturday, April 29, 2023.

Library of Congress : 25 and Counting 
Selections from a Quarter Century of Collection Development
in Rare Book & Special Collections Division
Thursday, March 23, 2023 | 1:00 – 4:00pm

Chesapeake Chapter gathers to celebrate “25 and Counting” with Mark Dimunation, Chief of Rare Books at the Library of Congress. Left to right in the back row, Eric Frazier, Rick Black, Donald Farren, Jill Cypher, Ray Nichols, Jackie Coleburn, and Lauren Emeritz.

Lead Graffiti has its monthly First Friday Eve on Thursday, July 6. 120A Sandy Drive, Newark, DE. We’ll be highlighting the “Jokers Wild” project from Tony Guadangelo with participation by the Amalgamated Printers Association. It’s a strange and exciting collaborative project.

NATIONAL NEWS at the American Printing History Association’s annual meeting included

The 2023 Mark Samuels Lasner Fellowship in Printing History was conferred to Val Lucas for her research into typecasting by Fellowship Committee: E. Haven Hawley, Chair; Johanna Drucker; Miriam Intrator.

Chesapeake Chapter Notes

Chesapeake Chapter Notes is emailed monthly to members and friends of the Chesapeake Chapter of the American Printing History Association. Contributions are welcome and can be sent to George Barnum, Chapter Secretary.

At the bottom of this page, we show letterpress projects printed by Chapter members. If you print and are savvy about social media, hashtag your in-progress or completed works using  #aphachesapeake.

The annual APHA calendar roster is set. Start working on your holiday gift list.

Cover / Chris Manson, January / Don Starr, February / Ken Kulakowsky,
March / Randy Newcomer, April / Ian Edelson, May / Casey Smith,
June / James Quigley, July / Ray Nichols, August / Lauren Emeritz,
September / Tatiana Shukhin, October / Jim Wilder, November / Jill Cypher,
December / Carol Maurer, Colophon / George Barnum.