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Joint Annual 2014 Conference Announced


APHA with the Friends of Dard Hunter (FDH) announce our new (ad)venture: Joint Annual 2014 Conference in San Francisco, California from Thursday, October 16 to Saturday, October 18, 2014 at San Francisco Center for the Book.


This joint conference explores the histories of paper as used by printers: we will consider the rapport between the type, presses, and papers available to printers from the beginnings of moveable type until today. Attention could be drawn to how a new printing technology called for different papers, or how the availability of certain papers demanded certain presses.

The focus of the conference is on the inter-relationship between paper and printing, but topics specifically on paper are entirely welcome. The contemporary use of paper not only for letterpress printers but also for artist books and as works of art would be excellent topics to explore.  We hope to find the convergences and overlaps between our two groups that will enhance understanding of the properties and value of paper.


The Call for Proposals for papers and demonstrations will be sent to members of both organizations on January 15 and will be due by March 15. Submission guidelines will be in the next email blast.

Membership Renewal

If you have not yet renewed your APHA membership (which becomes dormant on January 1, 2014), you may still do so here. The coming year promises many opportunities to meet friendly APHA members and our colleagues interested in paper, the Friends of Dard Hunter. Renewing will also ensure that you can vote at the Annual Meeting on January 25 in New York, and that you will promptly receive our journal Printing History when it ships.

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