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Beatrice Warde at the GPO


Mortimer and Warde posed in front of the plaque bearing Warde’s text, which still greets visitors in the lobby of the Government Publishing Office in Washington, DC. (GPO)

Some time ago, I stumbled across a photo on the Internet of Beatrice Warde, the famed typographic publicist and writer, posed in front of the “This is a Printing Office” plaque in the lobby of the Government Publishing Office in Washington, DC. She is standing with GPO’s longtime director of typography, Frank H. Mortimer. The photo caught my attention for a couple of reasons, and sent me off down a couple of interesting paths. 

For those who don’t know about her, Beatrice Lamberton Warde, neé Becker, was an American, born in 1900, daughter of a musician father and journalist mother who also wrote books for young readers. Beatrice married the book and type designer Frederic Warde in 1922, and after a stint working for Henry Lewis Bullen in the library of the American Type Founders Co., she and Frederic left for England in 1925 and Beatrice, writing as “Paul Beaujon” began to publish articles on typography. She and Frederic divorced a few years later. She was hired by Stanley Morrison to edit The Monotype Recorder, the magazine of the (English) Monotype Corporation, and eventually became the company’s publicist. She lived in England until her death in 1969.

The photo grabbed me first because it was new to me, even though the setting and subjects were immediately familiar. We know from an obituary notice that appeared in 1969 in GPO’s house newsletter Typeline that Beatrice was a “frequent visitor,” the last time in June, 1965. We have several photos that we can’t date absolutely authoritatively, although they’re probably 1950, when we know she visited. She poses in one shot in a very chic black dress and a quite exuberant hat with Public Printer John Deviny, who served from 1948 to 1953. The group shot from this series must illustrate what an awful lot of her career looked like: Beatrice at center surrounded by a mass of middle aged men. That photo was shot in the GPO Refectory, which was the executive dining room. There are assorted samples on the table in front of the group, and the only one we can positively identify is the Penguin Collected Poems of T.S. Eliot, which was published in 1948. One person is holding a book that may be about the London Underground, but there just isn’t any match to be made on it. It may be safe to assume that this is a selection of the books that were part of Books Across the Sea, a project that Warde and her mother, May Lamberton Becker, were movers and shakers in from its beginning at the start of the war, and which eventually became a part of the program of the English Speaking Union.


Beatrice Warde, Frank Mortimer, and GPO employees, ca. 1950. (GPO)

But the photo I came across is seemingly earlier. Beatrice wrote the “Crossroads of civilization …” text for a broadside for Monotype’s introduction of Eric Gill’s Perpetua type in in 1932. In the photo, Beatrice and Frank Mortimer are standing in front of the bronze plaque that the GPO apprentice class of 1940 placed when the new GPO building opened in 1940. In 1941 the Typophiles in New York published a little volume of Beatrice’s letters and other writings about the early days of the war in London called Bombed But Unbeaten. In one essay she writes about the text of the broadside, and her reaction on learning that the GPO apprentices were putting up the plaque: “… then came news from a remote planet (as it then was), the USA, that the inscription was to be cast in bronze and affixed to the wall of the GPO in Washington. There is something about the very words ‘cast in bronze’ that sends joyful shivers down any writer’s back.” The plaque remains in the same spot today.

This photo vexed me because of timing: We had no note at GPO of a visit before the war, and the clothing is seemingly not post-war, not to mention the fact that Beatrice and Frank Mortimer both look considerably younger than the ca. 1950 photos. Yet a visit between late 1940 and the end of the war just seemed unlikely, since it would have meant a trans-Atlantic voyage at a time when waters were not at their safest.

So I began looking around to see what I might find that would tell us something about Beatrice’s professional travels in this period. I discovered that a large body of her papers are at the University of Birmingham (UK), and they have produced a nice preliminary box list which is available online, in advance of full cataloging. Nothing in the box list provided me with anything definite (although there are some awfully tantalizing things listed).

I then looked at the Nicholas Barker biography of Stanley Morrison (a decidedly important figure in Beatrice’s professional and personal life). It seems that Beatrice did make a visit to America in 1942, which fits as far as the visible clues are concerned. Perhaps a look at the actual papers in Birmingham would provide a more definite answer, and so I suppose that trip goes on my retirement desiderata list.

The photo itself appears in The Monotype Recorder 44/1, 1970, which was a tribute issue to BLW. But, alas, it is merely grouped with three others on page 10 under the heading “The 1930s and 1940s.”

Meanwhile, I have enough puzzle pieces to feel fairly certain about the date of the photo as 1942.


  1. George, I believe she visited and was feted by the Typophiles. There certainly is her 1943 book Bombed but unbeaten, issued by the Typos.

  2. The librarian blushes.

    A friend who does family history kindly checked, and located ships entry lists that place Beatrice entering the U.S. in 1926, 1929, 1931, 1934, 1937, 1942, 1947, 1950 and 1953. The 1942 entry was via Halifax (doubtless a wartime expediency).

    As a side note, in all this casting around I found several interesting bits and pieces about Beatrice including two interviews for radio: the first from the BBC archives, in a documentary program about Eric Gill (another of her close associates), and the other a later interview about her career, from Australian radio and made in the early 60s.

    Beatrice speaks!


  3. Great research and links George! I will have to share with the Typophiles!

  4. Hello. I am researching information on the Baynard Press who were a Printer located in London, England.
    My father worked there as a young man.
    A plaque with the same inscription was displayed at the Baynard Press.
    I have a copy of The Pleasures of Printing Volume One that was published by the Baynard Press.
    Along with an extensive article about Thomas E. Griffits and his work with Lithographic stone, there is an image of the plaque (which was cut on a slab of Hopton-Wood stone) as well as an article about Beatrice Warde.
    I am happy to share this if anyone is interested.

  5. Do you know of another poem I thought was also displayed in the GPO lobby? I believe it started with “I am proud of the ink on my hands…”


  6. The other plaque (also a gift of a later GPO apprentice class) is Frederic Goudy’s The Type Speaks:


    Of my earliest ancestry neither history nor relics remain.
    The wedge-shaped symbols impressed in plastic clay by Babylonian builders in the dim past foreshadowed me: from them, on through the hieroglyphs of the ancient Egyptians, down to the beautiful manuscript letters of the mediæval scribes, I was in the making.
    With the golden vision of the ingenious Gutenberg, who first applied the principle of casting me in metal, the profound art of printing with movable types was born.
    Cold, rigid and implacable I may be, yet the first impress of my face brought the Divine Word to countless thousands. I bring into the light of day the precious stores of knowledge and wisdom long hidden in the grave of ignorance.
    I coin for you the enchanting tale, the philosopher’s moralizing and the poet’s fantasies; I enable you to exchange the irksome hours that come,
    at times, to everyone, for sweet and happy hours with books – golden urns filled with all the manna of the past.
    In books, I present to you a portion of the eternal mind caught in its progress through the world, stamped in an instant and preserved for eternity.
    Through me, Socrates and Plato, Chaucer and the Bards become your faithful friends who ever surround you and minister to you. I am the leaden army that conquers the world.
    I am type.

    —Frederic W. Goudy

    from a pamphlet published by the Village Press, 1931.

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