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Fritz Klinke and Irene Tichenor


Fritz Klinke is a restorer of historic buildings, restaurateur, holder of master blueprints for Vandercook press components, and proprietor of NA Graphics “for all your printing needs.”  His resources have helped outfit startup presses and keep existing presses operating. He falls into the somewhat odd but valuable category that 2022 APHA honoree Dr. Edward Petko did: he is a grand enabler and champion. A pillar of the print universe as much as of his home base, Silverton, Colorado, Klinke is, therefore, recognized for his unique capacity to enable and equip the letterpress community.

EDITFritz Klinke’s Acceptance Speech 

Irene Tichenor is a print historian whose masterwork centers on printer and typography scholar Theodore Low De Vinne (1828–1914). Author of No Art Without Craft: The Life of Theodore Low De Vinne, Printer, Tichenor has served as APHA Trustee, Vice President for Publications, and President (2000–2002). She is a member of the Grolier Club, past vice president of the Bibliographical Society of America, and holds a PhD and an MLS from Columbia University. 

Irene Tichenor ’s Acceptance Speech 

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