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Printing History OS 12


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SKU: OS-12 Category:


Volume 6, No. 2

1984 [Out of Print]


William S. Pretzer, Tramp Printers: Craft Culture, Trade Unions, and Technology.
Alexander Lawson, Teaching Typography.



Peter M. VanWingen (reviewer), Christian Axel-Nilsson. Type Studies: The Norstedt Collection of Matrices in the Typefoundry of the Royal Printing Office; a History and Catalogue.
Daniel Traister (reviewer), Miriam Usher Chrisman. Lay Culture, Learned Culture: Books and Social Change in Strasbourg, 148o-1599 and Bibliography of Strasbourg Imprints, 1480–1599.
Stephen Paul Davis (reviewer), M. Crump and M. Harris, eds. Searching the Eighteenth Century: Papers Presented at the Symposium on the Eighteenth Century Short Title Catalogue in July 1982.
Larry E. Sullivan (reviewer), Alan Dyer. A Biography of James Parker, Colonial Printer.
Richard Newman (reviewer), Donald Franklin Joyce. Gatekeepers of Black Culture: Black-Owned Book Publishing in the United States, 1817–1981.
James Trissel (reviewer), Roderick Cave. The Private Press.
GraceAnne Andreassi DeCandido (reviewer), Tiller: A Bimonthly Devoted to the Arts and Crafts Movement.
Alexander Nesbitt (reviewer), Marc Drogin. Anathema: Medieval Scribes and the History of Book Curses.
Sheila Waters (reviewer), Stephen Harvard. The Cataneo Manuscript: An Italic Copybook
Larry Silver (reviewer), Sandra Hindman, ed. The Early Illustrated Book: Essays in Honor of Lessing J. Rosenwald.
Paul Hayden Duensing (reviewer), William Caslon. A Specimen of Printing Types. Introduction and notes by James Mosley.