Printing History 21 on Press

Front and back cover of Printing History 21. (Michael Russem)
Here’s a peek at Printing History 21, the first issue produced by the team of Brooke Palmieri, editor; Michael Russem, publication designer; and Katherine Ruffin, Vice-President for Publications.
The contents include an interview with Kseniya Thomas; the articles “Leonard Jay: A Pioneer of Printing Education” by Caroline Archer-Parré; “The Merrymount Janson Type and Matrices” by John Kristensen; and “The Electric Typesetter: The Origins of Computing in Typography” by John Labovitz. Book Reviews: Claire M. Bolton, The Fifteenth-Century Printing Practices of Johann Zainer, Ulm, 1473–1478; Ellen Mazur Thomson, Aesthetic Tracts: Innovation in Late-Nineteenth-Century Book Design; Richard-Gabriel Rummonds, Fantasies and Hard Knocks: My Life as a Printer; and Richard Kegler, The Aries Press of Eden, New York.
Printing History 21 was printed at PuritanCapital in Hollis, New Hampshire. The cover, shown here, was printed on a 14 × 20″ Heidelberg GTO, 5/c. The text was printed on a 40″ Komori S40, 6c. The stock is Mohawk Superfine Softwhite—the paper we’ve used since issue No. 1.
APHA members will receive their copies in the mail mid-month.