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Printing History 6


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Summer 2009


Barbara Heritage, Collecting Litho Jam Jar Labels and Teaching Wood-Engraved Elephants: Rare Book School’s Printing Surfaces Collection.
Jerry Kelly, Hermann Zapf at Ninety
Richard L. Hopkins, Saving Printing History Outside the Box.



Giancarlo Petrella, Uomini, torchi e libri nel Rinascimento. [Paul F. Gehl]
T. H. Howard-Hill, The British Book Trade, 1475–1890: A Bibliography.[WP]
Hendrik D. L. Vervliet, The Paleo-Typography of the French Renaissance: Selected Papers on Sixteenth-Century Typefaces.[Alastair Johnston]
Carl F. Kaestle and Janice A. Radway, eds., A History of the Book in America, Volume 4: Print in Motion: The Expansion of Publishing and Reading in the United States, 1880–1940. [Paul S. Koda]
Doug Clouse, MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan: Typographic Tastemakers of the Late Nineteenth Century. [Alastair Johnston]
Jerry Kelly, The First Flowering: Bruce Rogers at the Riverside Press, 1896–1912. [WP]
Elizabeth Evenden, Patents, Pictures and Patronage: John Day and the Tudor Book Trade. [WP]
Robert Oldham, A Field Guide to North American Hand Presses and Their Manufacturers. [WP]
Rob Banham and Fiona Ross, eds., Non-Latin Typefaces.[WP]
Donald Farren and August A. Imholtz, Jr., eds., The Baltimore Bibliophiles at Fifty, 1954–2004. [WP]
Margaret Willes, Reading Matters: Five Centuries of Discovering Books.[WP]