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Printing History 23


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SKU: PH-23 Category:


Winter 2018


Interview with Heiba Lamara
James T. Cameron and George D. Barnum, Invisible Writing Made Visible: The U. S. Government Printing Office and Prisoner of War Stationery in the Second World War.
Lisa Unger Baskin, The Myth of Some Unconventional Women.
Amy Hildreth Chen, Michelle Chesner, and Shannon K. Supple, Roundtable Discussion: Teaching Printing History with Codex Conquest.



Emma Smith, The Making of Shakespeare’s First Folio. [Jeffrey Mifflin]
Emma Smith, Shakespeare’s First Folio: Four Centuries of an Iconic Book. [Jeffrey Mifflin]
Paul Shaw, Revival Type: Digital Typefaces Inspired by the Past. [Jerry Kelly]
Misha Beletsky and Jerry Kelly, The Noblest Roman: A History of the Centaur Types of Bruce Rogers. [Brooke Palmieri