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Printing History OS 35


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SKU: OS-35 Category:


Volume 18, No. 1


Roger E. Stoddard, “Oh, Mr. Jefferson-After All These Years, Why Do We Know So Little about the Books 0f Your Time?”
Paul F. Gehl, The Europeans Are Coming! Or, What’s New in Continental History of the Book: A Review Essay.
Walker Rumble, Strategies of Shopfloor Inclusion: The Gender Politics of Augusta Lewis and Women’s Typographical Union No. 1, 1868–1872.
Corban Goble, Rogers’s Typograph Versus Mergenthaler’s Linotype: The Push and Shove 0f Patents and Priority in the 1890s.



Jerry Kelly (reviewer), John Dreyfus, Into Print; Selected Writings on Printing History, Typography and Book Production.