Printing History 24 Coming Soon

Cover: An experiment in multitudinous tints, William N. Weeden’ color printing process, is preserved in several small specimens, made as a proof of concept while visiting England in July 1886. Image: “Proposed Alphabets for the Blind, Under Consideration of the Society of Arts for Scotland,” listing twenty different alphabetical systems for the blind, primarily drawn from Europe. Image courtesy of Perkins School for the Blind.
Printing History 24, produced by the team of Brooke Palmieri, editor; Michael Russem, publication designer; and Katherine Ruffin, Vice-President for Publications, is being mailed to APHA members this week.
The contents include an interview with An Interview with Douglas Charles, Journeyman Printer; the articles “Tactile Literacy” by Amanda Stuckey; “Printing the Screenplay in Hollywood and Beyond” by Erin Schreiner; and “Multitudinous Tints: An Inventor’s Pursuit of Instantaneous Multicolor Printing” by Amelia J. Hugill-Fontanel. This issue also includes Paul Shaw’s response to Jerry Kelly’s review of Revival Type: Digital Typefaces Inspired by the Past (2017) published in Printing History 23 (Winter 2018).
Printing History 24 includes reviews of the following books: Printing Arab Modernity: Book Culture and the American Press in Nineteenth-Century Beirut by Hala Auji, reviewed by Radha Dalal; Bed & Platen Book Printing Machines: American and British Streams of Ingenious Regression in the Quest for Print Quality by Douglas W. Charles, reviewed by Stephen Sword; and John Baskerville: Art and Industry of the Enlightenment edited by Caroline Archer-Parré and Malcolm Dick and reviewed by Paul Shaw.