Register Now for the 2020 APHA/HWT Conference!
Registration for the 2020 Awayzgoose is Now Open! This is a special invitation to current APHA members. General registration opens July 20, so be sure to register today! [Read more]
Registration for the 2020 Awayzgoose is Now Open! This is a special invitation to current APHA members. General registration opens July 20, so be sure to register today! [Read more]
Dox Thrash (1893–1965) was a prominent African-American printmaker who lived in Philadelphia from the mid-1920s until his death. His home, a three-story Victorian located at 2340 Cecil B. More Avenue in Sharswood is a Philadelphia landmark but is currently in serious disrepair. The building has been vacant since the 1990s. Thrash studied at the Art Institute of Chicago after his service in World War I and then settled in Philadelphia where he was energized by the local Black artistic community. [Read more]
Dear Friends,
Black lives matter. The senseless deaths of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd and many Black men, women and children over the years must jolt us from complacency and force us to look closely at why we have reached this point. Institutions and organizations have too little questioned in what ways we contribute to systemic racism when white leadership and members are in the majority. The American Printing History Association’s purpose and the vision of its founders calls for us to do more. We are at a turning point. [Read more]
The American Printing History Association is thrilled to partner with the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum for this year’s Wayzgoose. Plans are underway for a dynamic and diverse, online “AWAYzgoose” to be held the first week of November 2020. More details are forthcoming; meanwhile, you’re invited to join us at the next Hamilton Hang via Zoom on Tuesday, June 2, 6:00 pm Central, when we are discussing AWAYZgoose 2020. [Read more]
From Facebook:
I am Mahmoud a fine arts student from egypt working on my master degree in the field of printmaking, i have a few academic questions can someone help? My questions are :
A- has any organization or academic institutions made manifesto that define the art print and original print by stating the guidelines and it’s regulations, other than the print council of America and their publication ( what is an original print) in 1961?? Especially now days due to the overlapping of arts and media with printmaking ?? [Read more]
From the Contact form:
I would like to learn what printing technologies were historically employed by America’s large book publishers. In 1961, how was Lippincott printing its books? When did Knopf move from one technology to another? [Read more]
From the Contact form:
I’m researching the industrialization of four-color process printing. Your printing history timeline, as well as many blog posts other sites, states that in the year 1906 “CMYK four-color wet process inks developed by the Eagle Printing Ink Co.” Can you please share the references for this entry? [Read more]
From the Contact form:
I hope this email finds you well and safe. I am a contracts professor and I’m researching the history of printed contracts. I was hoping you might be willing to share with me some of your knowledge and expertise, as I am trying to understand when it became common for commercial parties to start printing their contracts. [Read more]
From the Contact form:
I’m trying to get a sense of the tasks that went into proofreading the text of a small-town newspaper in the U.S. in the 1940s. I don’t know how common it was for linotype machines to be used by such papers at that point, and if so how proofing worked. [Read more]
From the Contact form:
I am trying to find information about a printing shop that my great-great grandfather, Pell Hubbard Pell and the Blauvelt family, owned somewhere in Brooklyn in or around 1920. Any light you can shed on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanking you in advance, Yours faithfully, Connie Pell