Dark Corners
Susie Seefelt Lesieutre

Agrippa’s De Occulta Philosophia Libris Tres
1:15-2:45 pm saturday, october 8
Michaela Rae Ryerson Baca: Blood Book: The Magic of Henry Cornelius Agrippa’s De occulta philosophia libris tres ♦ Todd Samuelson: The Alchemy of Erasure: Book Waste as Evidence ♦ Laura Forsberg: Magic & the Miniature Book
Michaela Rae Ryerson Baca, presented findings on her examination of marginalia in a copy of Agrippa’s De Occulta Philosophia Libris Tres (Occult Philosophy in Three Books), believed to have been published with all three texts combined for the first time in 1533. These texts covered the elemental world, physical and celestial objects, mathematics, and the religious and divine. [Read more]