Printing as Museum Program
Joshua Steward

The Museum of Printing in Massachusetts introduces letterpress and other printing crafts to people of all ages while maintaining its primary mission of preserving the rich history of the graphic arts. (Frank Romano)
David Damico: “Printing and Interpreting at the Genesee Country Village Living History Museum on a 19th Century Washington Iron Handpress” ¶ Frank Romano: “Letterpress Workshops at the Museum of Printing in North Andover, MA”
3 pm saturday, october 24 ⋅ track 3
Frank Romano began his session by showing a humorous video of the “Short History of Printing,” in which Romano himself has been green-screened into paintings and early engravings portraying craftsmen and printers at work—including a stiff and rather one-sided conversation with a “flat” Gutenberg. [Read more]