Imprenta Enlace: A Live Tradition of Mexican Letterpress
Belinda Ugalde Mellado
This article is based on the author’s 2021 APHA conference presentation.

Figure 1. Lucha Libre poster. (All photos by Manuel Manero.)
In an era defined by digital media, it is extraordinary to find letterpress print shops in Mexico that have managed to endure and preserve the typographic arts without the support of cultural institutions. Such is the case of Imprenta Enlace, a print shop in the city of Xalapa run by the Romero family. For more than 35 years, they have printed typographical posters with a distinctive aesthetic that is part of the visual identity of popular festivals and events in numerous towns in the states of Veracruz and Oaxaca. It is probably the last shop of its kind in the region and one of the few still operating commercially in the country. [Read more]