Winter 2016
William T. La Moy, An Autographed Letter (Signed) from Frederic W. Goudy to [Alpheus] Sherwin Cody Dated 18 August 1935
William T. La Moy, Frederic W. Goudy’s Formal Tribute to Bertha M. Goudy
Elizabeth Savage, The Mystery of the “Scrappy Fragments”: Untangling Robert Steele’s Discovery of Frisket Sheets
John Bidwell, American Paper Mills, 1690-1832: A Directory of the Paper Trade with Notes on Products, Watermarks, Distribution Methods, and Manufacturing Techniques [Reviewed by Sydney Berger]
Frank Romano, History of the Linotype Company [Reviewed by Jeffrey Mifflin]
Richard L. Hopkins, Tolbert Lanston and the Monotype: The Origin of Digital Typsetting [Reviewed by Jeffrey Mifflin]