2021 Conference

Detail of a poster designed and printed by Juan Carlos Romero, Imprenta Enlace. (Belinda Ugalde Mellado)
The American Printing History Associationʼs 46th annual fall conference will be hosted online through the Grolier Club of New York, from October 22–23, 2021. “Impresos: Printing Across Latin American and Caribbean Cultures” will explore common themes promoted by our organizations, with a focus on the study of printing history and practices of peoples and cultures related to Latin America and the Caribbean. The conference will be available with bilingual captioning in English and Spanish.
We have a dynamic two-day schedule, including:
- Featured speakers including type designer Juan Villaneuva, and La Impresora Press from Puerto Rico
- Collection highlight presentations by the Grolier Club of New York and the Hispanic Society Museum & Library
- Presentations and panels on Latin American and Caribbean bibliography, contemporary makers using bilingual approaches, scholarly digital resources, and typographic milestones
- A virtual calligraphy workshop sponsored by Center for Book Arts New York
- Live breakout sessions to socialize and ask further questions
View the Impresos Program here.
The APHA conference is 100% virtual this year. This allows us to economize on travel costs and extend international access to the program. The virtual environment will have opportunities for engagement with fellow attendees and will allow registrants to access the content after the conference.
We hope to see you online in October! Register now!