Printing History
Submissions | Back Issues | Advertising | Editors
Printing History, the semiannual peer-reviewed journal of the American Printing HistoryAssociation (APHA), has been published since 1979. Digital copies of the journal are available on the Gale and EBSCO databases. The journal is available in paper format as a benefit of membership in APHA.
Befitting a publication devoted to these subjects, Printing History is an artifact in its own right that reflects the histories it documents. The journal is beautifully designed, illustrated, and printed and is available only in paper format through membership in APHA.
Accordingly, Printing History is a highly desirable advertising venue that is circulated widely amongst those concerned with the production of printed materials. Consider becoming part of that community of readers, and part of the publication’s legacy, through purchasing advertising space.
Please direct all correspondence and inquiries about Printing History to Josef Beery, Vice President for Publications, at
Printing History follows the guidelines of The Chicago Manual of Style.
submitting an article to printing history
The editor welcomes submissions on any aspect of printing history and its related arts; contributors need not be members of APHA. Articles, book reviews, and other journal submissions should be sent to
We are readily prepared to receive submissions that are created in the major word processing programs. Images should, ideally, be submitted as 600 ppi files in the TIF format on CDs or DVDs. In general, we follow the guidelines of The Chicago Manual of Style. Footnotes, rather than endnotes, are the preferred form of documentation. Printing History is indexed in Library Literature and the MLA International Bibliography.
Back issues of Printing History
Back issues of Printing History are indexed in Library Literature and the MLA International Bibliography. Back issues of the new series are searchable in EBSCO and Gale online academic databases. Many back issues of both the original and the new series are available for purchase.
Advertising in Printing History
Size | Dimensions | Single Issue: K* | Single Issue: CMYK | Repeat: K* | Repeat: CMYK |
Quarter page | 2.875 × 4" | $90 | $115 | $81 | $106 |
Half page | 6 × 4" | $160 | $185 | $144 | $169 |
Full page | 6 × 8.297" | $265 | $290 | $239 | $264 |
Inside Front Cover | 7 × 9.5" | $350 | $375 | $315 | $340 |
Inside Back Cover | 7 × 9.5" | $350 | $375 | $315 | $340 |
Outside Back Cover | 7 × 9.5" | $400 | $425 | $360 | $385 |
*Black ink
To place an ad, please contact Josef Beery, Vice President for Publications, at Please supply your advertisement as a high-resolution, press-ready grayscale or cmyk PDF file in an attachment.
Original artwork (before making the PDF) should be 1200 ppi for line art and 300 ppi for halftones at the ad’s finished size.
Printing History was founded in 1979; since then it has been edited by Susan Otis Thompson, Anna Lou Ashby, Renee I. Weber, and David Pankow. The first 50 issues of the journal constitute the Original Series—many of which are now on sale.
Printing History New Series began in 2007 under the editorship of William S. Peterson, Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Maryland, former editor of Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, and the author of books about the Kelmscott Press and Daniel Berkeley Updike.
In July 2011, Peterson was succeeded by William T. La Moy, curator of rare books and printed materials at the Special Collections Research Center at Syracuse University Library.
In 2016, La Moy was succeeded by Brooke S. Palmieri, a Ph.D Candidate in History at University College London.
In 2021, George Barnum, then Vice President for Publications, edited NS 29/30
In 2022, Daniel Arbino was the guest editor for NS 31/32.
In 2023, Danelle Moon was the guest editor for NS 33.
In 2024, Josef Beery was the guest editor for NS 34.