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Printing History OS 19


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SKU: OS-19 Category:


Volume 10, No. 1



Charlotte K. and August E. Brunsman, Wright & Wright, Printers: The “Other” Career of Wilbur and Orville.
David Pankow, Dungeons and Dragon’s Blood: The Development of Late 19th and Early 20th Century Platemaking Processes.
John A. Lent, Pioneer Women Editors–The Stockdale Sisters of Bermuda.



Renate Raecke (reviewer), Vom Schriftgiessen (Of Typefounding). Porträt der Firma D. Stempel …
James H. Fraser (reviewer), Colin Franklin, The Ashendene Press.
William S. Brockman (reviewer), Donald C. Dickinson, Dictionary of American Book Collectors.
William S. Brockman (reviewer), Jeanne Somers, Index to “The Dolphin” and “The Fleuron”.
Chandler B. Grannis (reviewer), Matthew J. Bruccoli, The Fortunes of Mitchell Kennerley, Bookman.
J. Dustin Wees (reviewer), Gavin Bridson and Geoffrey Wakeman, Printmaking & Picture Printing: A Bibliographical Guide….
Virginia Smith (reviewer), Dale Roylance, European Graphic Arts: The Art of the Book From Gutenberg to Picasso.