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Printing History OS 14


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SKU: OS-14 Category:


Volume 7, No. 2

1985 [Out of Print]


John Bidwell and Cynthia Owen Philip, Robert Fulton’s Portrait of Lord Stanhope.
James Eckman, A Genial Philippic on Taste.
Elizabeth M. Harris, Printing and a Museum [the Smithsonian Institution Graphic Arts Division].
Renée I. Weber, Doctoral Research in Printing History, 1970–1984.
Warren D. Devine, Jr., The Printing Industry as a Leader in Electrification, 1883–1930.



William L. Joyce (reviewer), James P. Bell, ed., John Peter Zenger and Freedom of the Press.
J. Dustin Wees (reviewer), Anthony Dyson, Pictures to Print: The Nineteenth-century Engraving Trade.
Dennis Stillwell (reviewer), Bruce Beck, ed. Robert Hunter Middleton: The Man and His Letters.

Additional information

Weight 10 oz
Dimensions 9 × 12 × 0.5 in