The American Printing History Association is now on Instagram @printinghistory. This matches our handles on Twitter and Facebook used to announce website content, and share news from members and like organizations. However, our Instagram will tease information about our programs and our journal Printing History. We’ll also post random takes on our mission and motto “to encourage the study printing history.”
For a while we’ve asked members to tag images on their own social media accounts with #americanprintinghistory and will continue to do so.
Hello. I am looking for information on the history of poster competitions in general as well as descriptions of specific instances and famous artists/designers who may have been participants. I have found books on the history of the poster, but none yet that include mention of contests or competitions. Any help or advice, what to search or where would be welcomed.
Left: Antonius Augustinus, Rome: appresso Guglielmo Faciotto, 1592 (detail). The first fully illustrated edition of Agostini’s book on coins is also the first known book to be illustrated by a woman artist. Right: Risograph prints on display at Rabbits Road Press, an open-access print studio in East London, whose co-founder Heiba Lamara is interviewed in Printing History 23.
Printing History 23, produced by the team of Brooke Palmieri, editor; Michael Russem, publication designer; and Katherine Ruffin, Vice-President for Publications, is now in production at PuritanCapital in Hollis, New Hampshire. [Read more]
Hello, I’ve been searching for some further information regarding the decorative borders used by the American Map Makers of the 1800s. Colton NYC Mitchell Philly Johnson etc. I figured your members might know of where i can delve further into the design, alterations and development. Thanks Neil.
I am a graduate student at DePaul University and I am researching the history of African American printers in the U.S. I wonder if your organization could offer any assistance or guidance for my research. Cheers, Bintou
I am researching printing during the 1960s-1970s. I am particularly looking at materials used for the printing press called offset powder or french chalk. Do you know any names of these type of products made by big brands which would have been used during this period? I appreciate you taking the time to read and consider this.
The following query appeared on this site recently:
Please, I would like to know the term used for the “thumb indents” found in older hardbound dictionaries, one at the start of each new letter. Also, was making these indents considered part of the binding process, and how was it accomplished? [Read more]
The Friends of Dard Hunter (FDH) and the American Printing History Association (APHA) welcome proposals for their joint conference “Matrices: The Social Life of Paper, Print, and Art,” at the University of Iowa Center for the Book Iowa City, Iowa, October 25–27, 2018. Proposals are due March 31, 2018. FDH and APHA invite proposals for presentations, demonstrations, and workshops that explore the technological and cultural matrices of art printed on or made from handmade paper. PDF. [Read more]
Please, I would like to know the term used for the “thumb indents” found in older hardbound dictionaries, one at the start of each new letter. Also, was making these indents considered part of the binding process, and how was it accomplished?