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Semi-occasional gathering of chapter

letterpress printers at El Mariachi
February 10, 2016

Initiated by chapter member Chris Manson (who is always the one that initiates these things) a gathering of a dozen or so chapter letterpress printers started at his Crooked Crow Press for some talk and then traveled to the El Mariachi Restaurant for lunch and talk of metal type.

These are always wonderful days and set a number of things in motion for a number of us.


Our host, Chris Manson, with Jill Cypher.


Pat Manson, always the gracious co-host.


Chris explaining his directorial strategies for theater at the Folger Library.


Greg Robison making an excitable point. From here we traveled to the restaurant.


An image from a book Chris had out for viewing. Not exactly a Valentine’s image, but very interesting. Could make a nice copperplate.

Ray Nichols is starting to organize an idea for some Chapter podcasts and was taking film of the various conversations.


Above is kind of what this is all about. The youngest, Lauren Emeritz and new chapter member, talking with the oldest, Roland Hoover who presides over the group as Grand Master of all things Letterpress. Roland was awarded a lifetime achievement award from the Chesapeake Chapter in 2010. Pass it on. Pass it on. Pass it on.


Steve Heaver and Lauren.


Steve talking railroad locomotives with past chapter president Val Lucas.chesapeake-160210-restaurant-09

Roland Hoover encompassing a thought.  


A nice photo of Roland and Val.


Chris either making a point or reaching for his water.


Lauren adding a bit of scale to the discussion


After lunch we all returned to Crooked Crow press to look at a variety of printed pieces produced by Chris Manson. Here Lauren looks over a printed piece containing a lot of pieces from Roland’s vast collection printed by Chris.

Just a pleasant way to spend the middle of a Wednesday. Actually, there aren’t a lot of better ways.