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Past APHA Board Members

President  |  Vice President for Membership  |  Vice President for Programs  |  Vice President for Publications   |  Treasurer  |  Board Secretary  |  Trustees  |  Executive Secretary  |  Editor of Printing History  |  Editor of the APHA Newsletter  |  Chapter Officers


E. Haven Hawley, 2018–2022
Nina M. Schneider, 2016–2018
Robert McCamant, 2012–2016
Paul W. Romaine, 2008–2012
Eric J. Holzenberg, 2006–2008
Martin Antonetti, 2002–2006
Irene Tichenor, 2000–2002
Anne Anninger, 1998–2000
Martin W. Hutner, 1994–1998
Peter M. vanWingen († 1948–1995),  1992–1994
Virginia Smith,  1990–1992
James N. Green, 1988–1990
John B. Hench († 1943–2024), 1986–1988
E.H. “Pat” Taylor, 1983–1986
Morris A. Gelfand († 1908–1998), 1982–1983
Catherine T. Brody († 1927–2009), 1978–1982
J. Ben Lieberman († 1914–1984), 1974–1978

Chairman of the Board

E.H. “Pat” Taylor, 1982

vice president at Large

Catherine T. Brody († 1927–2009), 1974–1978

vice president for membership

Harold Kyle, 2020–2024
Charles Cuykendall Carter, 2016–2020
Casey Smith, 2012–2016
James P. Ascher, 2009–2012
Jared Camins-Esakov, 2008–2009
Virginia Bartow, 2006–2008
Kathleen Walkup, 2004–2006
Paul W. Romaine, 2002–2004
Barbara Brannon,2000–2002
David Whitesell, 1998–2000
James R. Kelly,  1994–1998
Martin W. Hutner,  1992–1994
Stan Nelson,  1990–1992
Edward Colker, 1988–1990
Virginia Smith,  1986–1988
Ginna Johnson, 1984–1986
Terry Belanger, 1982–1984
E.H. “Pat” Taylor, 1978–1982

Membership Secretary

Josie Loos, 1976–1977
Miriam Steinert, 1974–1976

Vice president for Programs

Amelia Hugill-Fontanel, 2020–2022
Jesse Erickson, 2018–2020
Sara T. Sauers, 2014–2018
Kitty Maryatt, 2010–2014
Alice Beckwith, 2008–2010
Paul W. Romaine, 2007–2004
Mark Samuels Lasner, 2000–2007
Peter E. Hanff, 1996–2000
Anne Anninger,  1994–1996
Mary Phelan,  1992–1994
Jennifer B. Lee,  1990–1992
John Lancaster, 1988–1990
Barbara Paulson, 1986–1988
Alice Schreyer, 1984–1986
Marie Korey, 1982–1984
Philip Grushkin († 1921–1998), 1978–82

Vice president for Publications

George Barnum, 2020–2022
Katherine McCanless Ruffin, 2014–2019
James P. Ascher, 2012–2014
Elizabeth Denlinger, 2008–2011
Martin Antonetti, 2006–2007
Jeffrey Kaimowitz († 1942–2020), 2006
Jerry Kelly, 2002–2006
Lissa Dodington, 2000–2002
Jerry Kelly, 1996–2000
Michael Peich,  1994–1996
Jerry Kelly,  1992–1994
Irene Tichenor,   1990–1992
Jeffrey Kaimowitz († 1942–2020),  1988–1990
Frederic C. Beil,  1986–1988
Stephen O. Saxe  († 1930–2019), 1984–1986
John B. Hench († 1943–2024), 1982–1984
Jack Golden († 1916–2002), 1978–1982


David Goodrich, 2010–2024
Deirdre C. Stam, 2002–2010
Carolyn L. Smith, 1996–2002
John B. Hench († 1943–2024), 1990–1996
E.H. “Pat” Taylor, 1989–1990
Michael Hentges, 1988
E.H. “Pat” Taylor, 1986–1988
Philip Sperling († 1911–1997), 1980–1986
Stephen O. Saxe  († 1930–2019), 1979
Mary Ahem, 1979
Herbert H. Johnson († 1936–2021), 1978–1982
Stuart C. Dobson, 1974–1978

Board Secretary

Meghan Constantinou,  2022–2024
Virginia Bartow, 2018–2022
Erin Schreiner, 2016–2018
Charles Cuykendall Carter, 2015–2016
Casey Smith, 2012–2015
J. Fernando Peña, 2008–2012
Virginia Bartow, 2006–2008
Kathleen Walkup, 2004–2006
Jane Siegel, 2002
Paul W. Romaine, 2002–2004
Jean Hayter, 1998–2002
Virginia Bartow, 1994–1998
Karen Nipps,  1992–1994
Martin W. Hutner,  1990–1992
Edith Hazen, 1986–1988
Renee Weber, 1984–1986
Anna Lou Ashby, 1982–1984
Jean Peters, 1980–1982
Joseph R. Dunlap, 1974–1978

Past apha trustees

Susan M. Allen, 2008
Martin Antonetti, 1992–1993; 1996–99
Kenneth Auchincloss, 1998
John Ballinger
Georgia B. Barnhill, 2000–2003
Douglas F. Bauer,  1992–1995
Frederic C. Beil
Edna Beilenson († 1977–1980), 1980–1983
Terry Belanger, 1974 (one year term), 1978
John Bidwell,  1996–1998; 2000–2001
Catherine T. Brody († 1927–2009)
Robert Cagna, 2021
Roger Campbell
Mark Carroll,  1990–1992
Terrence P. Chouinard, 2008
Michele V. Cloonan, 1996–1999; 2000–2002
Robert Colby
Edward Colker
Jeffrey Cooper, 2008
Philip Cronenwett, 1996–1998; 2000–2002
Carl Darrow
Diane Dias De Fazio, 2022–2024
Stuart C. Dobson
Joseph R. Dunlap
Fran G. Durako
Tamar Evangelestia-Dougherty, 2021–2024
Sonia Farmer,  2021
Patricia Fleming,  1994–1997
Joan Friedman
Claudia Funke, 1999–2002
Milton McC. Gatch, 1998
Morris A. Gelfand († 1908–1998)
Jack Golden († 1916–2002), 1982–1984?
Ron Gordon
Chandler B. Grannis († 1912–2002), 1982–1984?
James N. Green, 1986
Philip Grushkin († 1921–1998), 1974–1979,  ? , 1982–1984
Peter E. Hanff,  1994–1996
Stephen Harvard († 1948–1988), 1986
Elizabeth M. Harris, 1974–1979
Edith Hazen
John B. Hench († 1943–2024),
Michael Hentges
Kimball Higgs
Eric J. Holzenberg, 2000–2001
Amelia J Hugill-Fontanel
Martin W. Hutner,  1988–1991, 2002
Herbert H. Johnson († 1936–2021), 1974—elected to a three-year term. Resigned for a London job assignment. Board appointed Stephen O. Saxe. See Newsletter 1.  Elected 1977–1980.
Ian Kahn
Jeffrey Kaimowitz († 1942–2020),  1990–1992
Richard Kegler
Jerry Kelly,  1990–1992;  2000–2003
John Kristensen, 2000–2003
John Lancaster
Jennifer B. Lee
Abe Lerner († 1908-2002)
Robert Leslie († 1885–1987), 1974–1977
Leon Levine, 1977–1979
Ethan Lipton, 2018–2024
Catherine Liu, 2021–2024
Grendl Loftkvist, 2021
Francis O. Mattson († 1931–2013), 1986
Robert McCamant, 2008
Marcus McCorison, 1998–2002
Faride Mereb, 2021–2024
Philip A. Metzger († 1914–2014)
Christine Moog, 2023–2025
Paul Needham
Stan Nelson
Paul Noble, 1974–1977
Calvin P. Otto († 1930-2009),  1988–1991
David Pankow,  1990–1992
Katharine F. Pantzer († 1930–2005)
Barbara Paulson,  1988–1991
Stephen Pekich, 
Jean Peters, 1974 (one year term)
Mary Phelan
C. Deirdre Phelps, 1986,  1992–1993
Theo Rehak, 1998–2003
Jack Robinson
Jae Rossman
Katherine M. Ruffin
Stephen O. Saxe  († 1930–2019), 1974 (replaced Hebert H. Johnson); 1977–1983
Sara T. Sauers
Leonard Schlosser
Nina M. Schneider
Alice Schreyer, 1982, 1986
Jane Siegel, 1998
Virginia Smith, 1982,  1988–1990;  1996
Steven Escar Smith, 2008
Martin K. Speckter († 1915–1988), 1974–1979; 1977–1980) 
Roderick Stinehour († 1925–2016), 1992–1995
Sara L. Stone, 2008
E.H. “Pat” Taylor
W. Thomas Taylor,  1994–1996
Kseniya Thomas, 2021
Susan O. Thompson († 1931–2008), 1974 (one year term)
Irene Tichenor,  1992–1995
Mark D. Tomasko, 1994–1997
Daniel Traister, 1982
Peter M. vanWingen († 1948–1995)
Evans Parker Worley († 1920–2012, 1978–1980
Kathleen A. Walkup, 2008
David Whitesell, 2008
Lili Wronker († 1924–1978–1979, 1980–1983

Executive Secretary (appointed)

Lyndsi Barnes, 2011—
Stephen G. Crook († 1946–2014), 1992–2010 

editor of printing history

New Series
Sam Regal, 2024—
Josef Beery, Managing Editor, PH 34
Danelle Moon, Guest Editor,  PH 33
Daniel Arbino,  Guest Editor, PH 31/32
James and Molly Cameron, Interim Manading Editors. , PH 29/30
Brooke Palmieri, 2016–2020
William LaMoy, 2011–2016
William S. Peterson, 2007–2011 

Original Series
David Pankow, 1990–2007
Renee I. Weber, 1986–1990
Anna Lou Ashby, 1984–1985
Susan O. Thompson († 1931–2008), 1979–1983

Editor of the apha E-newsletter

Mallory Haselberger, 2024

Editor of the apha Website

Paul Moxon, 2013—
Paul Romaine, 1999–2013

Editor of the apha newsletter

Paul Moxon, 2010–2013 (Nos. 173–185; publication ceased, replaced by this website)
Brian Frykenberg, 2006–2009 (Nos. 160–172)
Shari DeGraw, 2005 (Nos. 158-159)
Jane Siegel & Julia Blakely, 2002–2004 (Nos. 146–157)
Lissa Dodington & occasional guest editors, 1999-2002 (Nos. 136-145)
Betsy Peare, 1998–1999 (Nos. 132–135)
Lissa Dodington, 1996–1998 (Nos. 124–131)
Joint Editorial Committee (Virginia Bartow, Edward Colker, Jennifer Dossin, Spring Harvey & Jane Rodgers Siegel), 1991–1996 (Nos. 104–123)
Irene Tichenor, 1991 (Nos. 100–103)
Kimball Higgs, 1990–1991 (Nos. 97–99)
Stephen O. Saxe  († 1930–2019), 1986–1990 (Nos. 69–96)
Catherine T. Brody († 1927–2009), 1975–1985 (Nos. 1–68) Assistant Editors:  Barbara Kline (Nos. 27–35), Barbara Jones (Nos. 36–41), Philip Sperling (Nos. 43–68)

chapter OFFICERS


President: Lauren Emeritz, 2023—; Don Starr, 2020–2023; George Barnum, 2015–2019; Val Lucas, 2012–2014; Ray Nichols 2010–2012
Vice President: Chris Sweterlitsch, 2020–; Casey Smith, 2015–2019; Erik Delfino, 2016–2019
Treasurer: Lauren Emeritz, 2020; Jackie Coleburn, 2015–2019;
Secretary: George Barnum, 2020; Chris Sweterlitsch, 2015–2019

Ohio River Valley

President: Gary Walton, 2018–
Vice President: Henry Sester, 2018–
Treasurer: Jacob Simpson, 2018–
Secretary: Jennifer Penley, 2018–


President: April Sheridan, 2012–
Vice President: Paul Gehl, 2012–
Secretary: Martha Chiplis, 2012–
Treasurer: Greg Prickman, 2012–

New England

President: Alice Beckwith,  2000–
Vice President: Jordan Goffin,  ?–2016
Treasurer: Bob Soorian,  ?–2016
Secretary: Phil Weimerskirch,  2016–

Northern California

President: Grendl Löfkvist, ?–2015
Vice President: Lisa Dunseth, ?–2015
Secretary: Gary Price, ?–2015
Treasurer: Chris Kox, ?–2015

Southern California

President: Jessica Holada, 2016–2020; Nina M. Schneider, 2013–2015
Programs Co-Chair(s):  Jesse Erickson 2016–2019; Kristina Vargas & Jesse Erickson
Membership: Alexander Justice 2016–; Jessica Holada, ?–2015
Treasurer: Michael Powe, 2016–; Barbara Hauser ?–2015
Secretary: Mike Garabedian, 2014–

New York

President: Jared Ash, 2017; Doug Clouse, 2013–2016;  Joel Mason, 2009–2012; Lowell Bodger, -2009, Chandler Grannis, 1974–76
Vice President: J. Fernando Peña, 2017–2019;  Joel Mason, 2013–2016
Secretary: Diane Dias De Fazio, 2017; Champe Smith, 2013–2016
Treasurer: Champe Smith 2017—; J. Fernando Peña, 2013–2016

Upstate New York

President: Amelia Fontanel, 2020–; Richard Kegler, 2014–2019
Vice President: Mitch Cohen, 2020; William LaMoy, 2014–2019
Secretary: Theresa Smith, 2020–; Amelia Hugill-Fontanel, 2014–2019
Treasurer: Harold Kyle, 2014–