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Typefounding in 19th Century Philadelphia Reexamined

Paul Shaw

Specimen of Printing Types and Ornaments, Robb & Ecklin, 1836, p.84 (RIT)

While researching Robb & Ecklin, typefounders in Philadelphia from 1836 to 1844, I discovered information that sheds new light on the history of typefounding in that city and challenges some commonly-held facts. The inquiry that led me to this new information was whether typefounder Edwin Starr (or one of his brothers) intersected with Jedidiah Howe, whose foundry Robb & Ecklin took over, or with Samuel Ecklin or Alexander Robb themselves. [Read more]

Census of Bruce Type-Foundry’s 1882 Specimen Book

Paul Shaw

I am making a census of the 1882 specimen book issued by George Bruce’s Son New-York Type-Foundry. Would anyone owning copies please get in touch with me so that I can ask several questions about your copy. Thank you.

