Volume 1, No. 2
Madeleine B. Stern, Isaac M. Singer’s Type Machine.
Rollo G. Silver, Violent Assaults on American Printing Shops, 1788–1860.
E. Richard McKinstry, A Sketch of the Brief Printing Career of David Cree, 1784–1786.
Octave Uzanne, The End of Books [reprinted from Scribner’s (1896)].
Out of Sorts Press (Larchmont, N.Y.), Some Unlost Typefaces of Frederic W. Goudy [Originally printed as a keepsake for the Goudy Society Annual Dinner in 1978]
John Tebbel (reviewer), Peter Sutcliffe, The Oxford University Press: An Informal History [and] Nicholas Barker, The Oxford University Press and the Spread of Learning, 1478–1978
Catherine T. Brody (reviewer), Elizabeth Carroll Reilly, A Dictionary of Colonial American Printers’ Ornaments and Illustrations
Daniel Traister (reviewer), Edward Hodnett, Francis Barlow: First Master of English book Illustration
J. Ben Lieberman (reviewer), Elizabeth Harris and Clinton Sisson, The Common Press