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Printing History 10


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SKU: PH-10 Category:


Summer 2011


William Berkson, Readability and Revival: The Case of Caslon.
Betsy Davids, From Palm Leaf to Book: A South Asia Quest.
Marvin J. Heller, Behold, You Are Beautiful, My Love: The Use of Ornamental Frames in Hebrew Incunabula.



Michael F. Suarez, S.J., and H.R. Woudhuysen, eds. The Oxford Companion to the Book [Reviewed by Paul S. Koda]
Hendrik D.L. Vervliet, French Renaissance Printing Types: A Conspectus[Reviewed by Alastair Johnston]
Matthew McLennan Young, Field & Tuer, the Leadenhall Press [Reviewed by Alastair Johnston]
Alan Loney, The Books to Come
Martin Hopkinson, Ex Libris: The Art of Bookplates